Monday, 3 August 2015

Call Me Maybe?

Call Me Maybe?

My idea for this project was a interactive wall between audience and the artwork.
I'm going to do projection of human figure on a wall.
The audience is going to interact with the human figure in front of him/her.
I had one idea but different ways to get the result.
The objective of this project is to obtain the reaction of the human figure depends on what you did to the human figure.
for example,If you give her a thumb up button,she will react happily and say thank you to you while when you add her as friend,you will get a hi from her,and also when you give her a report,she will be angry with you.

This idea is to study the reaction on how generation Z today with their social media and how generation Z "communicate" with their friends or family.
The social media "button" such as like button,dislike button,comment or "seen" can cause reactions from peoples.A lot peoples on internet always want to get attentions from other peoples around the country/world,they post their selfies to get as much like as they can so they will feel better.

I saw a forum article which start a poll where let forum members to vote what will you do if when you get no number of "like" of your post,some peoples say they will care while some people does not care and some peoples say they already used to it(zero number of like). 

Precedent Studies (Technology:Communication)

Call Me from Stephan Thiel on Vimeo.
Interactive installation realized for the production »Mobil« (written by Sergi Belbel) that transports the plays main topic of mobile communication to the streets of Potsdam. As a video projection loop, all characters are placed inside the huge front windows of the staging location with the possibility of passersby to call them directly via their mobile phones. When called, a character answers with a short snippet of text over the phone and so promotes the next staging of the production.

A project of the Interfacedesign departement of the University of Applied Sciences Postdam, Germany in cooperation with the Hans-Otto-Theater.


1132701430 Yoon Wai Lum

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